

Sustainable management

Human rights management

Throughout its entire management activities, Victek emphasizes respecting and protecting human dignity and values.
Victek has declared human rights management and established the human rights management charter, practicing human rights management principles (in 13 areas).

Ethical management

Based on 『harmony, creation, and diligence』 Victek strives to create best products and services in pursuit of 《Happy Together Victek》.
In its management activities, Victek not only performs its economic and legal obligations but the company also recognizes ethical responsibilities that are expected as a social norm as its principles in corporate decision-making and action.

Environmental management

Recognizing the impact of all of its activities, products, and services on the environment, Victek considers environmental protection as our obligation in order to pass down clean and refreshing environment to future generations and, therefore, established green management policy and system. In corporate activities, we aim for harmony between economic growth and environmental improvement protection.

Social contribution

As the slogan 《Happy Together Victek》 suggests, Victek believes purpose of corporation does not only lie in profit-making but also in sharing and mutual growth and, accordingly, engage in various social contribution activities.